ms-access 中有 group_concat 函数吗?

2021-11-20 00:00:00 ms-access sql mysql

ms-access 中是否有 group_concat 函数或类似的东西?

is there a group_concat function in ms-access or something similar?


你应该问问自己是否需要一个通用的解决方案 (另一个是 Allen Browne 的),或者如果您仅出于当前目的需要它.如果您真的只需要它一次,请使用简单的方法.

You should ask yourself if you need a generic solution (another is by Allen Browne) or if you need it just for the present purpose. If you really only need it this once, do it the easy way.

附带说明,在 VBA 代码中连接列表时,利用长期访问专家 Trevor Best 教给我的技巧,那就是在每个值的开头粘贴分隔符,然后使用 Mid()把它剥掉.而不是在你的循环中通过子记录:

On a side note, when concatenating lists in VBA code, take advantage of a trick taught to me by long-time Access guru Trevor Best, and that's to stick the delimiter at the beginning of every value and then use Mid() to strip it off. Instead of this inside your loop through the child records:

  If Len(strOutput) = 0 Then
     strOutput = NewValue
     strOutput = strOutput & ", " & NewValue
  End If


...use this inside the loop:

  strOutput = strOutput & ", " & NewValue


...and then when you exit the loop, strip off the leading delimiter:

  strOutput = Mid(strOutput, 3)


This has implications all over the place and simplifies code for concatenation in a whole host of contexts.
