MySQL 中的二进制数据

2021-11-20 00:00:00 database binary-data mysql data-storage

如何在 MySQL 中存储二进制数据?


phpguy 的回答是正确的,但我认为那里的附加细节有很多混乱.

基本答案在 BLOB 数据类型/属性域中.BLOB 是 Binary Large Object 的缩写,该列数据类型专用于处理二进制数据.

请参阅MySQL 的相关手册页.>

How do I store binary data in MySQL?


The answer by phpguy is correct but I think there is a lot of confusion in the additional details there.

The basic answer is in a BLOB data type / attribute domain. BLOB is short for Binary Large Object and that column data type is specific for handling binary data.

See the relevant manual page for MySQL.
