
2021-11-20 00:00:00 sql count mysql

我目前有一个超过 600 万行的数据库,并且还在不断增加.我目前做 SELECT COUNT(id) FROM table;为了向我的用户显示数字,但数据库越来越大,除了能够显示数字外,我不需要存储所有这些行.有没有办法选择要显示的 auto_increment 值,以便我可以清除数据库中的大部分行?使用 LAST_INSERT_ID() 似乎不起作用.

I currently have a database with over 6 million rows and growing. I currently do SELECT COUNT(id) FROM table; in order to display the number to my users, but the database is getting large and I have no need to store all of those rows except to be able to show the number. Is there a way to select the auto_increment value to display so that I can clear out most of the rows in the database? Using LAST_INSERT_ID() doesn't seem to work.



If it's only about getting the number of records (rows) I'd suggest using:

FROM information_schema.tables 
WHERE table_name='the_table_you_want' -- Can end here if only 1 DB 
  AND table_schema = DATABASE();      -- See comment below if > 1 DB

(至少对于 MySQL)代替.

(at least for MySQL) instead.
