不使用 mysqldump 复制/复制数据库

2021-11-20 00:00:00 mysql

如果没有对服务器的本地访问,有没有办法在不使用 mysqldump 的情况下将 MySQL 数据库(有内容和没有内容)复制/克隆到另一个数据库中?

Without local access to the server, is there any way to duplicate/clone a MySQL db (with content and without content) into another without using mysqldump?

我目前使用的是 MySQL 4.0.

I am currently using MySQL 4.0.


我看到你说你不想使用 mysqldump,但我在寻找类似的解决方案时到达了这个页面,其他人也可能会发现它.考虑到这一点,这里有一种从 Windows 服务器的命令行复制数据库的简单方法:

I can see you said you didn't want to use mysqldump, but I reached this page while looking for a similar solution and others might find it as well. With that in mind, here is a simple way to duplicate a database from the command line of a windows server:

  1. 使用 MySQLAdmin 或您的首选方法创建目标数据库.在本例中,db2 是目标数据库,源数据库db1 将被复制到其中.
  2. 在命令行上执行以下语句:
  1. Create the target database using MySQLAdmin or your preferred method. In this example, db2 is the target database, where the source database db1 will be copied.
  2. Execute the following statement on a command line:

mysqldump -h [服务器] -u [用户] -p[密码] db1 |mysql -h [服务器] -u [用户] -p[密码] db2

