如何在 Python 中使用布尔值?

2022-01-19 00:00:00 python boolean


Python 是否真的包含布尔值?我知道你可以这样做:

Does Python actually contain a Boolean value? I know that you can do:

checker = 1
if checker:

但我很迂腐,喜欢在 Java 中看到布尔值.例如:

But I'm quite pedantic and enjoy seeing booleans in Java. For instance:

Boolean checker;
if (someDecision)
    checker = true;
    //some stuff

Python 中是否有布尔值之类的东西?我似乎在文档中找不到类似的东西.

Is there such a thing as a Boolean in Python? I can't seem to find anything like it in the documentation.


checker = None 

if some_decision:
    checker = True

if checker:
    # some stuff


您的代码也可以工作,因为必要时 1 会转换为 True.实际上 Python 很久没有布尔类型了(就像在旧的 C 中一样),一些程序员仍然使用整数而不是布尔值.

Your code works too, since 1 is converted to True when necessary. Actually Python didn't have a boolean type for a long time (as in old C), and some programmers still use integers instead of booleans.
