启用远程 MySQL 连接:ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user

2021-11-20 00:00:00 mysql

在 Windows XP 上运行的 MySQL 5.1.31.

MySQL 5.1.31 running on Windows XP.

从 本地 MySQL 服务器 ( 我可以以 root 身份连接,如下所示:

From the local MySQL server ( I can connect as root as follows:

>mysql --host= --user=root --password=redacted


From a remote machine (, I can see that the mysql port is open:

# telnet 3306
Connected to (

但是当我尝试从 远程 机器连接到 mysql 时,我收到:

But when trying to connect to mysql from the remote machine, I receive:

# mysql --host= --user=root --password=redacted
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'' (using password: YES)

我在 mysql.user 中只有 2 个条目:

I have only 2 entries in mysql.user:

Host         User     Password
localhost    root     *blahblahblah
%            root     [same as above]


What more do I need to do to enable remote access?


正如下面 Paulo 所建议的,我尝试将 % 的 mysql.user 条目替换为特定于 IP 的条目,因此我的用户表现在如下所示:

As suggested by Paulo below, I tried replacing the mysql.user entry for % with an IP specific entry, so my user table now looks like this:

Host             User     Password
localhost        root     *blahblahblah  root     [same as above]


I then restarted the machine, but the problem persists.


Paulo 的帮助引导我找到解决方案.它是以下内容的组合:

Paulo's help lead me to the solution. It was a combination of the following:

  • 密码包含美元符号
  • 我试图从 Linux shell 进行连接

bash shell 将美元符号视为 扩展 到环境变量,所以我们需要用反斜杠转义它.顺便说一下,如果美元符号是密码的最后一个字符,我们不必这样做.

The bash shell treats the dollar sign as a special character for expansion to an environment variable, so we need to escape it with a backslash. Incidentally, we don't have to do this in the case where the dollar sign is the final character of the password.

举个例子,如果你的密码是pas$word",从Linux bash我们必须按如下方式连接:

As an example, if your password is "pas$word", from Linux bash we must connect as follows:

# mysql --host= --user=root --password=pas\$word
