Python 函数返回 None (检查了所有简单的解决方案并且它们不起作用)
现在,我已经为 Python(2.7 版)编写了二进制搜索.有时,它工作得很好,但有时它返回 None,尽管搜索的值在数组中.我已经尝试了每一种简单的方法来解决这个问题:我检查了函数返回的变量是否已定义,是否执行了 return 语句所在的工作流分支.并且:变量被定义,分支被执行.
Now, I have written a binary search for Python (version 2.7). Sometimes, it works just fine, but at other times it returns None although the searched value is in the array. I have tried every trivial way of fixing this: I have checked whether the variable the function returns is defined, whether the branch of the workflow in which the return statement is located is executed. And: the variable is defined, the branch is executed.
def binarySearch( array, desiderata, iMin, iMax ):
# Returns the index of the first instance of what we search
print 'min'
print iMin
print 'max'
print iMax
# If our search array is empty
if ( iMin > iMax ):
return None
midP = (iMin + iMax)/2
curre = tapeNr( array[midP][TAPE_NUMBER] )
final = tapeNr( desiderata )
print 'curre'
print curre
print 'final'
print final
print 'midP'
print midP
if ( curre < final ):
# print midP
print "t: " + array[midP][TAPE_NUMBER] + ", d: " + desiderata
binarySearch( array, desiderata, midP + 1, iMax )
if ( curre > final ):
# print midP
print "t: " + array[midP][TAPE_NUMBER] + ", d: " + desiderata
binarySearch( array, desiderata, iMin, midP - 1 )
print 'hooray'
# Now, find the first occurence of the value I need
i = midP
while ( array[i][TAPE_NUMBER] == desiderata ):
i -= 1
print i
print (i + 1)
return (i + 1)
由于我的调试,有很多打印"语句.最后一个,'print (i+1)',实际上打印 (!) 我需要的东西的索引值,但函数仍然返回 None.
There are a lot of 'print' statements because of my debugging. The last of them, 'print (i+1)', actually prints (!) the index value of the thing I need, but the function still returns None.
You ignore the return value of recursive calls:
binarySearch( array, desiderata, midP + 1, iMax )
binarySearch( array, desiderata, iMin, midP - 1 )
所以当 curre <最终
if ( curre < final ):
# print midP
print "t: " + array[midP][TAPE_NUMBER] + ", d: " + desiderata
binarySearch( array, desiderata, midP + 1, iMax )
你调用 binarySearch()
之后你的函数结束.如果没有显式返回,则意味着您的函数返回值设置为 None
you call binarySearch()
after which your function ends. Without an explicit return that means your function return value is set to None
在这些行中添加 return
Add return
statements to those lines:
return binarySearch( array, desiderata, midP + 1, iMax )
# ...
return binarySearch( array, desiderata, iMin, midP - 1 )