按 SQL IN() 子句中值的顺序排序

2021-11-20 00:00:00 sql mysql sql-order-by

我想知道是否有(可能是更好的方法)按 IN() 子句中值的顺序排序.

问题是我有 2 个查询,一个获取所有 ID,第二个获取所有信息.第一个创建我希望第二个排序的 ID 的顺序.ID 以正确的顺序放在 IN() 子句中.


SELECT id FROM table1 WHERE ... ORDER BY display_order, nameSELECT name, description, ... WHERE id IN ([id's from first])

问题是第二个查询返回的结果与将 ID 放入 IN() 子句中的顺序不同.

我发现的一个解决方案是将所有 ID 放入带有自动递增字段的临时表中,然后将其加入第二个查询中.


注意:由于第一个查询是由用户"运行的,而第二个查询是在后台进程中运行的,因此无法使用子查询将 2 个查询合并为 1 个查询.>

我正在使用 MySQL,但我认为让它记录其他 DB 的选项可能会很有用.


使用 MySQL 的 FIELD() 函数:

SELECT 名称、描述、...从 ...WHERE id IN([ids, any order])ORDER BY FIELD(id, [ids in order])

FIELD() 将返回与第一个参数相等的第一个参数的索引(第一个参数本身除外).

FIELD('a', 'a', 'b', 'c')

将返回 1

FIELD('a', 'c', 'b', 'a')

将返回 3

如果您将 id 以相同的顺序粘贴到 IN() 子句和 FIELD() 函数中,这将完全符合您的要求.

I am wondering if there is away (possibly a better way) to order by the order of the values in an IN() clause.

The problem is that I have 2 queries, one that gets all of the IDs and the second that retrieves all the information. The first creates the order of the IDs which I want the second to order by. The IDs are put in an IN() clause in the correct order.

So it'd be something like (extremely simplified):

SELECT id FROM table1 WHERE ... ORDER BY display_order, name

SELECT name, description, ... WHERE id IN ([id's from first])

The issue is that the second query does not return the results in the same order that the IDs are put into the IN() clause.

One solution I have found is to put all of the IDs into a temp table with an auto incrementing field which is then joined into the second query.

Is there a better option?

Note: As the first query is run "by the user" and the second is run in a background process, there is no way to combine the 2 into 1 query using sub queries.

I am using MySQL, but I'm thinking it might be useful to have it noted what options there are for other DBs as well.


Use MySQL's FIELD() function:

SELECT name, description, ...
FROM ...
WHERE id IN([ids, any order])
ORDER BY FIELD(id, [ids in order])

FIELD() will return the index of the first parameter that is equal to the first parameter (other than the first parameter itself).

FIELD('a', 'a', 'b', 'c')

will return 1

FIELD('a', 'c', 'b', 'a')

will return 3

This will do exactly what you want if you paste the ids into the IN() clause and the FIELD() function in the same order.
