在 MySQL 数据库的每个表的字段中搜索文本

2021-11-20 00:00:00 mysql

我想在 MySQL 数据库的所有表的所有字段中搜索给定字符串,可能使用以下语法:

I want to search in all fields from all tables of a MySQL database a given string, possibly using syntax as:

SELECT * FROM * WHERE * LIKE '%stuff%'


Is it possible to do something like this?


您可以查看 information_schema 架构.它具有所有表和表中所有字段的列表.然后,您可以使用从该表中获得的信息运行查询.

You can peek into the information_schema schema. It has a list of all tables and all fields that are in a table. You can then run queries using the information that you have gotten from this table.


The tables involved are SCHEMATA, TABLES and COLUMNS. There are foreign keys such that you can build up exactly how the tables are created in a schema.
