
2021-11-17 00:00:00 compilation makefile arm sqlite zynq

我正在尝试通过对 Zynq 板(ARM 架构)进行交叉编译来构建 C 应用程序.当我在没有提及 ARM arch 的情况下输入 make 时,它​​在我的笔记本电脑上运行良好.但是一旦我修改了 Makefile,我就会收到一条错误消息:

I'm trying to build a C application through cross compiling for a Zynq board (ARM architecture). When I type make without mentioning the ARM arch, it works fine on my laptop. But as soon as I modify the Makefile, I get an error saying:

main.c:20:43: fatal error: sqlite3.h: No such file or directory
 #include "sqlite3.h" //library for sqlite3
compilation terminated.
make: *** [ws_temp_server] Error 1

Makefile 如下所示:

The Makefile looks like this:

SOURCE=lib/base64_enc.c lib/websocket.c lib/sha1.c lib/sqlite/sqlite3.c main.c 
CC = arm-xilinx-linux-gnueabi-gcc
LDFLAGS=-lpthread -ldl

all: $(PROGRAM)

    rm $(PROGRAM)


What am I doing wrong? Thanks for any help I can get.


您没有提供足够的信息来确定:特别是,您没有说明 sqlite3.h 文件的位置实际上在你的文件系统上.但是,根据您所做的显示,我怀疑您需要将 INCLUDES 变量更改为:

You don't provide enough information to say for sure: in particular, you don't say where the sqlite3.h file actually is on your filesystem. However, based on what you do show I suspect you need to change the INCLUDES variable, to this:

INCLUDES = lib/sqlite

(或者将代码中的 #include 更改为 #include "sqlite/sqlite3.h").这是假设头文件与 sqlite3.c 源文件在同一目录中.

(or else change the #include in your code to be #include "sqlite/sqlite3.h"). This is assuming that the header file is in the same directory as the sqlite3.c source file.

请注意,这是一个糟糕/令人困惑的实现.您应该将 -I 标志放在 INCLUDES 变量中:

Note that this is a bad/confusing implementation. You should be putting the -I flag in the INCLUDES variable:

INCLUDES = -Ilib/sqlite

INCLUDES 是复数,这可能会让某人相信他们可以在该变量中添加多个目录,但是如果您保持原样,这将导致奇怪的编译器错误:

INCLUDES is plural which may lead someone to believe they could add multiple directories in that variable, but if you leave it the way you have it, this will cause strange compiler errors:

INCLUDES = lib/sqlite another/dir

将添加标志 -Ilib/sqlite another/dir... 注意第二个目录如何没有 -I 选项.

will add the flags -Ilib/sqlite another/dir... note how the second directory doesn't have a -I option.

当然,按照惯例,您应该使用 CPPFLAGS(用于 C 预处理器标志),而不是 INCLUDES,而是... :)

Of course, by convention you should be using CPPFLAGS (for C preprocessor flags), not INCLUDES, but... :)
