SQL Server 中数据库数量的实际限制?

在其中一个 stackoverflow 播客(我认为是 #18)中,Jeff 和 Joel 正在谈论多租户数据库与单租户数据库.Joel 提到FogBugz on Demand"针对每个客户架构使用了一个数据库,我想知道是否还有一个点需要多个数据库服务器来分配负载?

In one of the stackoverflow podcasts (#18 I think) Jeff and Joel were talking about multi vs single tenant databases. Joel mentioned that "FogBugz on Demand" used a database per customer architecture and I was wondering if there is a point beyond which you'll need to have multiple database servers to distribute the load?


从技术上讲,SQL Server 中每个实例的数据库数限制是 32,767,但我怀疑您是否可以使用具有 2,000 个以上数据库的 SQL Server 实例,那时点服务器可能没有响应.

Technically the limit of databases per instance in SQL Server is 32,767, but I doubt that you could use a SQL Server instance that has more than 2,000 databases, at that point the server would probably be not responsive.

如果所有数据库都自动关闭且未被使用,您可能拥有近 30,000 个数据库.您可以在此处找到有关容量限制的更多信息:

You may be able to have close to 30,000 databases if they were all auto-closed and not being used. you can find more information about capacity limits here:

SQL Server 的最大容量规范
