如何访问默认的 Rails sqlite 数据库?

我想在使用 Rails 进行开发时查看我的数据库中的数据(实际上在所有 3 个开发、测试和生产中).我没有接触过配置,所以应该很容易,但我找不到任何可用的信息.

I would like to view the data in my DB while developing with Rails (actually in all 3 of them development, test and production). I have not touched the configs, so it should be easy, but I was not able to find any usable info.

我不知道连接字符串可能是什么或在哪里输入它,因为 Aptana (v.3) 似乎缺乏我从 Eclipse 知道的旧数据源浏览器视图.有人能指出我正确的方向吗?

I have no idea what the connection string could be or where to enter it, since Aptana (v.3) seems to lack the good old data source explorer view I know from Eclipse. Could someone point me into the right direction?

我正在使用 linux - Mint 12

I am working on linux - Mint 12



You have neglected to mention the OS you are using.

一种方法是在终端中使用 sqlite3 命令.

One way is to use the sqlite3 command in your terminal.

sqlite3 db/development.sqlite3

但是,对于检查行之类的事情,最好使用 rails 控制台.

However, for things like inspecting your rows, you would be better using a rails console.

rails c
> User.all # Where user is your model.

注意:不要直接通过 sqlite3 更改您的数据库架构,如果您来自不同的网络堆栈背景,您可能已经习惯了这一点.这是因为下次运行迁移时,状态将与 Rails 预期的不同.

NOTE: Do not change your DB schema directly through sqlite3, something you may be used to if you come from a different web stack background. This is because the next time you run the migrations, the state will be different to what rails expects.
