在 SQL Server XML 处理中为 modify() 参数化 XPath

2021-10-01 00:00:00 xml xpath sql-server

正如标题所暗示的那样,我正在尝试为 SQL Server 中 XML 数据列的 modify() 方法参数化 XPath,但遇到了一些问题.

Just like the title suggests, I'm trying to parameterize the XPath for a modify() method for an XML data column in SQL Server, but running into some problems.


DECLARE @newVal varchar(50)
DECLARE @xmlQuery varchar(50)
SELECT @newVal = 'features'
SELECT @xmlQuery = 'settings/resources/type/text()'

UPDATE  [dbo].[Users]
SET     [SettingsXml].modify('
    replace value of (sql:variable("@xmlQuery"))[1]
    with sql:variable("@newVal")')
WHERE   UserId = 1

具有以下 XML 结构:

with the following XML Structure:

        <type> ... </type>


XQuery [dbo.Users.NewSettingsXml.modify()]:'replace'的目标最多只能是一个节点,找到'xs:string ?'

现在我意识到修改方法一定不能接受字符串作为路径,但是有没有办法不使用动态 SQL 来实现这一点?

Now I realize that the modify method must not be capable of accepting a string as a path, but is there a way to accomplish this short of using dynamic SQL?

哦,顺便说一下,我使用的是 64 位 SQL Server 2008 Standard,但我编写的任何查询都需要与 2005 Standard 兼容.

Oh, by the way, I'm using SQL Server 2008 Standard 64-bit, but any queries I write need to be compatible back to 2005 Standard.




In case anyone was interested, I came up with a pretty decent solution myself using a dynamic query:

DECLARE @newVal nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @xmlQuery nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @id int

SET @newVal = 'foo'
SET @xmlQuery = '/root/node/leaf/text()'
SET @id = 1

DECLARE @query nvarchar(max)

SET @query = '
    UPDATE  [Table]
    SET     [XmlColumn].modify(''
        replace value of (' + @xmlQuery + '))[1]
        with sql:variable("@newVal")'')
    WHERE Id = @id'

EXEC sp_executesql @query,
                   N'@newVal nvarchar(max) @id int',
                   @newVal, @id

使用它,动态查询中唯一不安全的部分是 xPath,就我而言,它完全由我的代码控制,因此不应被利用.

Using this, the only unsafe part of the dynamic query is the xPath, which, in my case, is controlled entirely by my code and so shouldn't be exploitable.
