使用 SQL 编辑 XML 列.不那么结构化的 XML

2021-10-01 00:00:00 xml xpath tsql xquery sql-server

如何通过获取XXX"的新标签来编辑 XML,而不是结构化的 xml.需要帮助,我对 XML 和 XQuery 非常陌生.如果 X 没有,则必须为 X 获取新标签(节点),在 1 的情况下只需要插入 1.有没有办法在更大范围内操作字符串

How to edit XML by getting new tags for 'XXX', not so structured xml. Need help, I am very new to XML and XQuery. Have to get new tags (nodes) for X if it is none, in case of 1 need to insert 1 only. is there any way to manipulate string on larger scale

  <comment />
    <NewAttributeRule type="POSITIVE">
        <InCondition column="PPRD" colDataType="STRING">
  <negativeRules />

  <Scale>high TOTAL OTHERS</Scale>
  <comment />
    <NewAttributeRule type="POSITIVE">
        <InCondition column="ATC3" colDataType="STRING">
            <string>B10787 EXT</string>
    <NewAttributeRule type="NEGATIVE">
        <InCondition column="PPRD" colDataType="STRING">

  <comment />
  <positiveRules />
  <negativeRules />
  <comment />
  <positiveRules />
  <negativeRules />

  <comment />
  <positiveRules />
  <negativeRules />
  <comment />
  <positiveRules />
  <negativeRules />



好的,现在 XML 是有效的...

Okay, now the XML is valid...


Together with the information form your other question I'd suggest this approach:

我把你的 XML 放入一个声明的变量中

I put your XML into a declared variable

declare @xml xml=
      <comment />
        <NewAttributeRule type="POSITIVE">
            <InCondition column="PPRD" colDataType="STRING">
      <negativeRules />
      <Scale>high TOTAL OTHERS</Scale>
      <comment />
        <NewAttributeRule type="POSITIVE">
            <InCondition column="ATC3" colDataType="STRING">
                <string>B10787 EXT</string>
        <NewAttributeRule type="NEGATIVE">
            <InCondition column="PPRD" colDataType="STRING">
      <comment />
      <positiveRules />
      <negativeRules />
      <comment />
      <positiveRules />
      <negativeRules />
      <comment />
      <positiveRules />
      <negativeRules />
      <comment />
      <positiveRules />
      <negativeRules />

--和之前一样,CTE 将读取 ScaleName 以供稍后分组,但会让整个节点 保持原样

--As before, the CTE will read the ScaleName for later grouping, but will let the whole node as is

WITH ScaleNames AS
    SELECT  ai.query('.') AS AiNode
           ,ai.value('(ScaleName)[1]','nvarchar(100)') AS ScaleName
    FROM @xml.nodes('/NewAttributeRules/items/NewAttributeItem') AS A(ai)
    WHERE ai.value('(Scale)[1]','nvarchar(100)')<>'***XXX***'

--此 SELECT 将使用现有节点重建整个 XML,并添加两倍的 XXX 节点.

--This SELECT will rebuild the whole XML using the existing nodes and adding two times the XXX nodes.

    SELECT (
                SELECT x.AiNode AS [node()]
                FROM ScaleNames AS x
                WHERE x.ScaleName=ScaleNames.ScaleName
                FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE
           ) AS [node()]
             (SELECT '***XXX***' AS Scale, ScaleName, '' AS comment, '' AS positiveRules, '' AS negativRules FOR XML PATH('NewAttributeItem'),TYPE )
            ,(SELECT '***XXX***' AS Scale, ScaleName, '' AS comment, '' AS positiveRules, '' AS negativRules FOR XML PATH('NewAttributeItem'),TYPE)
            FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE
           ) AS [node()]
    FROM ScaleNames
    GROUP BY ScaleName
    ORDER BY ScaleName
    FOR XML PATH(''),ROOT('items'),TYPE
FOR XML PATH(''),ROOT('NewAttributeRules')


      <Scale>high TOTAL OTHERS</Scale>
      <comment />
        <NewAttributeRule type="POSITIVE">
            <InCondition column="ATC3" colDataType="STRING">
                <string>B10787 EXT</string>
        <NewAttributeRule type="NEGATIVE">
            <InCondition column="PPRD" colDataType="STRING">
      <comment />
      <positiveRules />
      <negativRules />
      <comment />
      <positiveRules />
      <negativRules />
      <comment />
        <NewAttributeRule type="POSITIVE">
            <InCondition column="PPRD" colDataType="STRING">
      <negativeRules />
      <comment />
      <positiveRules />
      <negativRules />
      <comment />
      <positiveRules />
      <negativRules />
