您在 tkinter 中将哪个小部件用于类似 Excel 的表格?

2022-01-18 00:00:00 python tkinter widget tktable


我想在 tkinter 中为我正在编写的 gui 提供一个类似 Excel 的表格小部件.你有什么建议吗?

I want a Excel like table widget in tkinter for a gui I am writing. Do you have any suggestions?


Tktable 至少是如果您需要全桌支持,可以说是最好的选择.简而言之,以下示例展示了如何使用它,假设您已经安装了它.示例是针对python3的,但是对于python2只需要修改import语句即可.

Tktable is at least arguably the best option, if you need full table support. Briefly, the following example shows how to use it assuming you have it installed. The example is for python3, but for python2 you only need to change the import statement.

import tkinter as tk
import tktable

root = tk.Tk()
table = tktable.Table(root, rows=10, cols=4)
table.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True)

Tktable 可能难以安装,因为没有可安装 pip 的软件包.

Tktable can be difficult to install since there is no pip-installable package.

如果您真正需要的是用于显示和编辑数据的小部件网格,您可以轻松构建条目或标签小部件网格.例如,请参阅 this answer 问题 蟒蛇.GUI(输入和输出矩阵)?

If all you really need is a grid of widgets for displaying and editing data, you can easily build a grid of entry or label widgets. For an example, see this answer to the question Python. GUI(input and output matrices)?
