SQL 中 XML 粉碎的替代方案

2021-10-01 00:00:00 xml sql sql-server

我尝试使用 XQuery .nodes 将 XML 分解到一个临时表中,如下所示.但是,我遇到了性能问题.粉碎需要很多时间.请给我一个关于此替代方案的想法.

I tried to shred XML into a temporary table by using XQuery .nodes as follows. But, I got performance problem. It is taking much time to shred. Please give me an idea on alternatives for this.


My requirement is to pass bulk records to a stored procedure and parse those records and do some operation based on record values.


insert into #DW_TEMP_TABLE_SAVE
       A.B.value('(USER_ID)[1]', 'nvarchar(30)' ) [USER_ID], 
       A.B.value('(USER_NAME)[1]', 'nvarchar(30)' ) [USER_NAME]
       @l_n_XMLDoc.nodes('//ROW') as A(B) 


在 values 子句中指定 text() 节点.

Specify the text() node in your values clause.

insert into #DW_TEMP_TABLE_SAVE
select A.B.value('(USER_ID/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(30)' ) [USER_ID], 
       A.B.value('(USER_NAME/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(30)' ) [USER_NAME]
from @l_n_XMLDoc.nodes('/USER_DETAILS/RECORDSET/ROW') as A(B)

不使用 text() 将创建一个查询计划,该计划尝试将来自指定节点的值与其所有子节点连接起来,我想在这种情况下您不希望这样.如果您不使用 text(),则查询的连接部分由 UDX 运算符完成,最好不要在您的计划中使用它.

Not using text() will create a query plan that tries concatenate the values from the specified node with all its child nodes and I guess you don't want that in this scenario. The concatenation part of the query if you don't use text() is done by the UDX operator and it is a good thing not to have it in your plan.

另一件要尝试的事情是 OPENXML.在某些情况下(大型 xml 文档),我发现 OPENXML 执行速度更快.

Another thing to try is OPENXML. In some scenarios (large xml documents) I have found that OPENXML performs faster.

declare @idoc int
exec sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc out, @l_n_XMLDoc

insert into #DW_TEMP_TABLE_SAVE
from openxml(@idoc, '/USER_DETAILS/RECORDSET/ROW', 2) 
  with (USER_ID  nvarchar(30), USER_NAME nvarchar(30))

exec sp_xml_removedocument @idoc
