MySQL 警告:不正确的字符串值:'\x96

2021-09-22 00:00:00 utf-8 warnings mysql utf8mb4

我正在尝试导入一个 CVS 文件,并在其中收到此警告:1366 不正确的字符串值:'\x96 PART ...' 列

I'm trying to import a CVS file where I get this warning: 1366 Incorrect string value: '\x96 PART...' for column

我在某处读到这是关于 4 位 utf8 字符的.但是将表和列的排序规则更改为 utf8mb4 也不起作用.

I read somewhere that this is about the 4-bit utf8 characters. But changing the collation of the table and column into utf8mb4 didn't work either.


十六进制 96 大概是 en-dashlatin1 编码> ().但是你已经指定了 CSV 文件是 utf8 编码的(或者 utf8mb4),这个字符是 utf8 无法理解的.

The hex 96 is presumably the latin1 encoding for an en-dash (). But you have specified that the CSV file is utf8-encoded (or utf8mb4), this character is incomprehensible to utf8.

计划 A:更改文件.(这可能不切实际.)

Plan A: Change the file. (This is probably not practical.)

计划 B:告诉 MySQL 该文件是 latin1(而不是 utf8).然后 MySQL 会将其正确转换为 utf8 编码 E28093.

Plan B: Tell MySQL that the file is latin1 (as opposed to utf8). Then MySQL will convert it correctly to the utf8-encoding E28093.


"Collation" has to do with sorting and comparing; "Character set" has to do with 'encoding'.

将此添加到我假设您正在使用的 LOAD DATA 语句中:

Add this to the LOAD DATA statement that I assume you are using:


