如何从 Visual Studio 中创建的 DACPAC 项目中排除数据库触发器?

我在 Visual Studio 中有一个数据库项目,我需要从生成的 DACPAC 中排除数据库触发器,因为其中之一是 LockdownTriggers 可防止触发器被更改 - 这会导致问题其他触发器;一旦部署 LockdownTriggers,它就会自动启用.然后部署的其余部分尝试更改现在锁定的其他触发器失败.有什么办法可以防止将数据库触发器部署为 DACPAC 的一部分吗?或者至少排除LockdownTriggers,或者在部署结束之前阻止它被启用?

I have a database project in Visual Studio, and I need to exclude the database triggers from the generated DACPAC, because one of them is LockdownTriggers which prevents triggers from being altered - and that's causing issues with the other triggers; as soon as LockdownTriggers is deployed, it's automatically enabled. and then the rest of the deployment fails trying to alter other triggers that are now locked. Is there any way to prevent the database triggers from being deployed as part of the DACPAC? Or at least exclude LockdownTriggers, or prevent it from being enabled until the deployment is over?



I found it! Searched around online some more and it looks like I need "Advanced Deployment Settings" (accessible via Project Properties > Debug > Advanced).
