VS 2005、SQL 2008、KB954961 无法安装 - Win7 x64 问题?

我最近在我的机器上安装了 Win 7 x64.我有 Visual Studio 2005 Standard,需要安装更新以支持 SQL 2008,以便我可以在 VS 中连接到远程 SQL Server.

I recently installed Win 7 x64 on my machine. I have Visual Studio 2005 Standard, and need to install the update for SQL 2008 support, so I can connect to the remote SQL Server within VS.



When I try to run the update, I get this message:

Windows Installer 服务无法安装升级补丁,因为要升级的程序可能丢失或升级补丁可能更新了不同版本的程序.验证要升级的程序是否存在于您的计算机上,并且您拥有正确的升级补丁.

The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service because the program to be upgraded may be missing or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade patch.

我已验证 VS 已安装 SP 1,甚至尝试重新安装它.

I have verified that VS has SP 1 installed, and have even tried reinstalling it.

我想知道问题是否可能是我使用的是 Windows 7 64 位?有人遇到过这个问题吗?

I am wondering if the problem could be that I'm on Windows 7 64bit? Has anyone had this issue?


您尝试安装的更新需要 Visual Studio 2005 SP1 专业版或 Visual Studio 2005 SP1 团队系统版.标准版无法应用更新...

The update you are trying to install requires Visual Studio 2005 SP1 Professional Edition or Visual Studio 2005 SP1 Team System Edition. Standard edition cannot apply the update...

请参阅 Microsoft 支持页面上的系统要求部分.

Please see the system requirements section on the Microsoft support page.


Sorry it's not working for you...sounds like a lot of frustration.
