用于 Visual Studio .net 错误的 Oracle 开发人员工具

2021-09-19 00:00:00 oracle visual-studio-2015

当我尝试安装 ODAC 以通过 Visual Studio 集成 oracle 时,我在 pc 和 Visual Studio 2015 上安装了 oracle 12c然后我得到一个错误
[INS-50013] 适用于 Visual Studio .NET 的 Oracle 开发人员工具错误.在继续进行此安装之前,请先安装 Visual Studio我忘了提到我已经在一个用户中安装了 Visual Studio,在另一个用户中安装了 oracle,尽管我可以访问 oracle 和 Visual Studio 的所有功能

i had installed oracle 12c on pc and visual studio 2015 when i tried to install ODAC for integrating oracle over visual studio then i got an error that
[INS-50013] Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET Error. Please install Visual Studio before you proceed with this installation i forgot to mention that i had installed visual studio in one user and oracle in another user though i could access all the features of both oracle and visual studio
Please give me the way to get out of this problem


现在支持 VS2015.还是不支持vs2017.任何人都可以从中得到:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/dotnet/下载/index.html

Now supported VS2015. still not support vs2017. Anyone can get from this: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/dotnet/downloads/index.html

更新:现在我们可以在 ODAC 上获得适用于 vs2017 的 ODAC与 2017 年相比

Updated: Now we can get ODAC for vs2017 at ODAC for vs 2017
