Visual Studio 2013 中的 SQL Server 项目

我最近从 Visual Studio 2010 升级到了 Visual Studio 2013.

I recently upgraded from Visual Studio 2010 to Visual Studio 2013.

我的大部分项目都可以用 VS2013 打开,除了 SQL Server 2008 数据库项目(被列为不兼容).

Most of my projects could be opened with VS2013 except for a SQL Server 2008 Database project (which is listed as incompatible).

VS2013 项目模板不包括 SQL Server 2008 数据库项目,所以我想知道 VS 2013 是否仍然支持这些项目类型.

VS2013 project templates doesn't include the SQL Server 2008 Database project so I'm wondering if those projects type are still suppose to be supported in VS 2013.


根据 MSDN 上的 Visual Studio 2013 兼容性页面,

如果您将项目转换为 SQL Server Data Tools 数据库项目,您可以在 Visual Studio 2013 中打开它.但是,Visual Studio2013 不支持这些工件:单元测试数据生成计划用于静态代码分析的数据比较文件自定义规则扩展server.sqlsettings .sqlcmd 文件自定义部署扩展部分项目 (.files) 如果安装 SQL Server Data Tools,则可以打开转换后的 Visual Studio 2010 SP1 项目.更多信息,请参阅 Microsoft SQL Server 数据工具.

If you convert the project to a SQL Server Data Tools Database project, you can open it in Visual Studio 2013. However, Visual Studio 2013 doesn’t support these artifacts: unit tests data-generation plans data-comparison files custom rule extensions for static code analysis server.sqlsettings .sqlcmd files custom deployment extensions partial projects (.files) If you install SQL Server Data Tools, you can open the project in Visual Studio 2010 SP1 after the conversion. For more information, see Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools.

它没有提及您的版本——Sql Server 2008.

It does not mention anything about your version -- Sql Server 2008.

尝试安装 SQL Server Data Tools - 2013 年 10 月更新.不确定这是否会解决它,因为 Sql Server Data Tools 下载页面 仅列出 Visual Studio 2010 和 2012.

Try installing the SQL Server Data Tools - October 2013 Update. Not sure if that will fix it though, because the Sql Server Data Tools download page lists only Visual Studio 2010 and 2012.
