聊天联系人列表 VB.NET 和 MSSQL

2021-09-16 00:00:00 vb.net sql-server


I'm making a chat system for my work and I'm having trouble to find a way to display users and their status.

所以我有一个叫做 Chat Client 的表单

So I have a Form called Chat Client

我有 Panel1(Left)Panel2(Right)

Panel1 中,我必须让每个用户都列在我的数据库中

In Panel1 I have to get every user listed in my database

Select [first_name] + ' ' + [Name] As 'Contact', [Status] From dbo.TableUsers


[green image] [contact name]   (if someone is logged in (status online))
[Orange image] [contact name]   (If someone is logged in (status away))
[Red image] [contact name]  (If someone is not logged in (Status offline))


How can I create a subscript that gives me all the users listed in the table with an image before the name showing their status?


我自己找到了答案 :)

I found the answer myself :)

我使用了带有 2 列的 e TableLayoutPanel,并用它填充了它:

i used e TableLayoutPanel with 2 columns and i filled it up with this:

While UserData.Read
            If UserData("Status").ToString = "Online" Then
                Dim newPictureBox As New PictureBox
                newPictureBox.Image = My.Resources.greenchat
                newPictureBox.Visible = True
                newPictureBox.Width = 30
                newPictureBox.Height = 30
                newPictureBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom
                newPictureBox.Name = UserData("Username").ToString & "Pic"

                Dim newLabel As New Label
                newLabel.Text = UserData("Voornaam").ToString & " " & UserData("Achternaam").ToString
                newLabel.Name = UserData("Username").ToString & "Lab"
                newLabel.Font = New Font("Microsoft sans serif", 12)
                newLabel.Height = 30
                newLabel.AutoSize = True
                newLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
                newLabel.Visible = True

            ElseIf UserData("Status").ToString = "Afwezig" Then
                Dim newPictureBox As New PictureBox
                newPictureBox.Image = My.Resources.orangechat
                newPictureBox.Visible = True
                newPictureBox.Width = 30
                newPictureBox.Height = 30
                newPictureBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom
                newPictureBox.Name = UserData("Username").ToString & "Pic"

                Dim newLabel As New Label
                newLabel.Text = UserData("Voornaam").ToString & " " & UserData("Achternaam").ToString
                newLabel.Name = UserData("Username").ToString & "Lab"
                newLabel.Font = New Font("Microsoft sans serif", 12)
                newLabel.Height = 30
                newLabel.AutoSize = True
                newLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
                newLabel.Visible = True

            ElseIf UserData("Status").ToString = "Offline" Then
                Dim newPictureBox As New PictureBox
                newPictureBox.Image = My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("redchat")
                newPictureBox.Visible = True
                newPictureBox.Width = 30
                newPictureBox.Height = 30
                newPictureBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom
                newPictureBox.Name = UserData("Username").ToString & "Pic"

                Dim newLabel As New Label
                newLabel.Text = UserData("Voornaam").ToString & " " & UserData("Achternaam").ToString
                newLabel.Name = UserData("Username").ToString & "Lab"
                newLabel.Font = New Font("Microsoft sans serif", 12)
                newLabel.Height = 30
                newLabel.AutoSize = True
                newLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
                newLabel.Visible = True

            End If
        End While
