E:从ubuntu 20.04完全删除mysql时,子进程/usr/bin/dpkg返回错误代码(1)

2021-09-12 00:00:00 ubuntu mysql ubuntu-20.04 dpkg

我想从 ubuntu 20.04 完全卸载 mysql.sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server mysql-client mysql-common -y

I want to uninstall mysql completely from ubuntu 20.04. sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server mysql-client mysql-common -y


dpkg: 错误处理包 mysql-server-8.0 (--remove):包处于非常糟糕的不一致状态;你应该在尝试删除之前重新安装它dpkg:错误太多,停止处理时遇到错误:mysql-server-8.0由于错误太多,处理已停止.E:子进程/usr/bin/dpkg返回错误码(1)

dpkg: error processing package mysql-server-8.0 (--remove): package is in a very bad inconsistent state; you should reinstall it before attempting a removal dpkg: too many errors, stopping Errors were encountered while processing: mysql-server-8.0 Processing was halted because there were too many errors. E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

我尝试配置 dpkg sudo dpkg --configure -a ,但它又说:

I tried configuring dpkg sudo dpkg --configure -a , but again it says :

dpkg: 错误处理包mysql-server-8.0 (--configure):包处于非常糟糕的不一致状态;你应该在尝试配置之前重新安装它处理时遇到错误:mysql-server-8.0

dpkg: error processing package mysql-server-8.0 (--configure): package is in a very bad inconsistent state; you should reinstall it before attempting configuration Errors were encountered while processing: mysql-server-8.0


关于您当前的问题.为了完全摆脱 MySQL 安装,您可以运行以下命令:

Regarding your current issue. In order to completely get rid of your MySQL installation you could run the following:

确保 MySQL 没有运行:

Make sure MySQL is not running:

sudo systemctl stop mysql

然后清除所有 MySQL 包:

Then purge all of the MySQL packages:

sudo apt purge mysql-server mysql-client mysql-common mysql-server-core-* mysql-client-core-*

然后删除所有 MySQL 文件:

Then delete all of the MySQL files:

sudo rm -rf /etc/mysql /var/lib/mysql /var/log/mysql


Finally clean all packages that are not needed:

sudo apt autoremove
sudo apt autoclean
