用于搜索“关键字"的表字段的 T-SQL 查询

2021-09-10 00:00:00 tsql sql-server


I'm trying to create a search text-box on my website than when submitted will pass the 'string-keyword' into my grid and pull all matching records for that keyword.

我必须使用 where 语句设置我的网格,该语句将侦听"表单通过查询字符串传入的参数.

I'm having to setup my grid with a where statement that will "listen" for parameters passed in by the form via query-string.


I'm not sure how to approach this. Any insight, tips, examples appreciated.

更新-------这是我的网格用于填充记录的查询.除了城市/地区/国家之外,我还尝试合并一个关键字搜索,它只会查看 BND_Listing 表中的公司"字段.

UPDATE------- This is the query my grid is using to populate records. In addition to City/Region/Country I'm trying to incorporate a keyword Search that would only look at my 'Company' Field inside the BND_Listing table.

select * FROM BND_listing right join BND_ListingCategories
on BND_Listing.CatID=BND_ListingCategories.CatID
 (CategoryName = '[querystring:filter-Category]' or '[querystring:filter-     Category]'='All')
 (City = '[querystring:filter-City]' or '[querystring:filter-City]'='All')
(Region= '[querystring:filter-State]' or '[querystring:filter-State]'='All')
(Country= '[querystring:filter-Country]' or '[querystring:filter-    Country]'='All')
isnull(Company,'') <> ''
ORDER by Company ASC


我不知道你说的监听"参数是什么意思,但因为你只有 TSQL 标记,匹配部分在 SQL Server 中是这样实现的:

I don't know what you mean by "listen" for parameters, but since you only have TSQL tagged, the matching part in SQL Server is achieved like so:

DECLARE @param VARCHAR(256)   --or what ever size you need
SET @param = 'some text'

SELECT SomeColumns
FROM SomeTable
WHERE aColumn LIKE '%' + @param + '%'

或者在 VB 中使用 SqlCommand 你可以查看:https://stackoverflow.com/a/251311/6167855

Or using SqlCommand in VB you can check out: https://stackoverflow.com/a/251311/6167855
