使用 python 的 lxml 去除内联标签
我必须处理 xml 文档中的两种内联标签.第一种类型的标签包含我想要保留的文本.我可以用 lxml 处理这个
I have to deal with two types of inline tags in xml documents. The first type of tags enclose text that I want to keep in-between. I can deal with this with lxml's
etree.tostring(element, method="text", encoding='utf-8')
The second type of tags include text that I don't want to keep. How can I get rid of these tags and their text? I would prefer not to use regular expressions, if possible.
我认为 strip_tags
和 strip_elements
I think that strip_tags
and strip_elements
are what you want in each case. For example, this script:
from lxml import etree
text = "<x>hello, <z>keep me</z> and <y>ignore me</y>, and here's some <y>more</y> text</x>"
tree = etree.fromstring(text)
print etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True)
# Remove the <z> tags, but keep their contents:
etree.strip_tags(tree, 'z')
print '-' * 72
print etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True)
# Remove all the <y> tags including their contents:
etree.strip_elements(tree, 'y', with_tail=False)
print '-' * 72
print etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True)
... 产生以下输出:
... produces the following output:
<x>hello, <z>keep me</z> and <y>ignore me</y>, and
here's some <y>more</y> text</x>
<x>hello, keep me and <y>ignore me</y>, and
here's some <y>more</y> text</x>
<x>hello, keep me and , and
here's some text</x>