
2021-09-10 00:00:00 sql tsql sql-server


Is there command inside a Query Window that will open a stored procedure in another Query Window?

即修改 dbo.pCreateGarnishmentForEmployee

i.e. MODIFY dbo.pCreateGarnishmentForEmployee

我使用的是 SQL Server 管理 Studio 2005 和 Red Gate 的 SQL Prompt.

I am using SQL Server management Studio 2005 and Red Gate's SQL Prompt.


Currently I have to do the follwowing multiple steps:

打开对象资源管理器导航可编程性 |存储过程右键单击存储过程名称选择修改

Open Object Explorer Navigate Programmability | Stored Procedure Right Click the Stored Procedure name Select Modify

一个带有 ALTER PROCEDURE 的查询窗口将打开.

A Query Window will open up with the ALTER PROCEDURE.


As I mentioned above, what I would like to do is from a Query Window type in something to the effect of

修改 dbo.pCreateGarnishmentForEmployee

MODIFY dbo.pCreateGarnishmentForEmployee



You are trying to mix two technologies here.

  1. SQL 和 SQL 语法
  2. SQL 管理工具

可能无法使用 TSQL 来操作 Management Studio,而这正是您想要的.我怀疑剪切和粘贴是您唯一的选择.

It is probably not possible to use TSQL to manipulate the Management Studio, which is what you appear to want. I suspect cut and paste is your only option.
