如何更新 TSQL 中游标获取的列

2021-09-10 00:00:00 sql tsql sql-server

在我继续之前:是的,我知道与基于集合的操作相比,游标的性能很差.在这种特殊情况下,我在一个包含 100 条左右记录的临时表上运行游标,并且该临时表总是相当小,因此性能不如灵活性重要.

Before I go any further: Yes, I know that cursors perform poorly compared with set-based operations. In this particular case I'm running a cursor on a temporary table of 100 or so records, and that temporary table will always be fairly small, so performance is less crucial than flexibility.


My difficulty is that I'm having trouble finding an example of how to update a column fetched by a cursor. Previously when I've used cursors I've retrieved values into variables, then run an update query at each step based upon these values. On this occasion I want to update a field in the temporary table, yet I can't figure out how to do it.

在下面的示例中,我尝试根据使用 #t1.Product_ID 查找所需值的查询更新临时表 #t1 中的字段 CurrentPOs.您将在代码中看到我尝试使用符号 curPO.Product_ID 来引用它,但它不起作用.我还尝试对 curPO 使用更新语句,但也未成功.

In the example below, I'm trying to update the field CurrentPOs in temporary table #t1, based upon a query that uses #t1.Product_ID to look up the required value. You will see in the code that I have attempted to use the notation curPO.Product_ID to reference this, but it doesn't work. I have also attempted to use an update statement against curPO, also unsuccessfully.


I can make the code work by fetching to variables, but I'd like to know how to update the field directly.


I think I'm probably missing something obvious, but can anyone help?

declare curPO cursor
for select Product_ID, CurrentPOs from #t1
for update of CurrentPOs
open curPO

fetch next from curPO

while @@fetch_status = 0
    select      OrderQuantity = <calculation>,
                ReceiveQuantity = <calculation>
    into        #POs
    from        PurchaseOrderLine POL 
    inner join  SupplierAddress SA ON POL.Supplier_ID = SA.Supplier_ID
    inner join  PurchaseOrderHeader POH ON POH.PurchaseOrder_ID = POL.PurchaseOrder_ID
    where       Product_ID = curPO.Product_ID
    and         SA.AddressType = '1801'

    update curPO set CurrentPOs = (select sum(OrderQuantity) - sum(ReceiveQuantity) from #POs)

    drop table #POs

    fetch next from curPO

close curPO
deallocate curPO



After doing a bit more googling, I found a partial solution. The update code is as follows:

                     FROM   #POS) 

我仍然需要使用 FETCH INTO 来检索 #t1.Product_ID 并运行生成 #PO 的查询,所以我仍然想知道如果可以单独使用 FETCH.

I still had to use FETCH INTO, however, to retrieve #t1.Product_ID and run the query that produces #POs, so I'd still like to know if it's possible to use FETCH on it's own.
