无法杀死 SPID“正在进行的事务回滚"

2021-09-10 00:00:00 sql tsql sql-server-2008 sql-server

我的数据库中有一条处于永久回滚模式的未提交语句.当我尝试终止与此语句关联的 SPID 时,出现以下错误:

I have an uncommitted statement in perptual rollback mode in my database. When I try to kill the SPID associated with this statement, I get the following error:

事务回滚正在进行中.预计回滚完成:0%.预计剩余时间:0 秒.

transaction rollback in progress. Estimated rollback completion: 0%. Estimated time remaining: 0 seconds.

这条未提交的语句导致用户无法查看数据库的表、视图和过程树.如何停止此 SPID?

This uncommitted statement is causing users to not be able to view the DB's table, view, and procedure trees. How do I stop this SPID?


未提交的事务是数据库备份.有一个已知的错误(与 MS 修补程序一起),备份有时会挂起.重启集群解决了问题

The uncommitted transaction was a database backup. There is a known bug (along with MS Hotfix) where the backup sometimes hangs up. Restarting the cluster fixed the issue
