在 SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 中关闭自动提交

2021-09-10 00:00:00 tsql sql-server ssms

我正在寻找一个选项来显式提交/回滚在 SSMS 中执行的每个查询,而无需显式启动事务.默认情况下 SSMS 自动提交,没有回滚选项.



I’m looking for an option to explicitly commit/rollback every query executed in SSMS without the need to start the transaction explicitly. By default SSMS auto commits leaving no option to rollback.


You can SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS ON in a query window.

If you set this in the Query/Query Options menu it will be set just for the current query. If you set this in the Tools/Options/Query Execution/SQL Server/ANSI menu it will be the default for all new queries.
