从 gevent-subprocess 获取实时标准输出?

2022-01-18 00:00:00 python subprocess stdout gevent


我正在尝试通过 POPEN 获取进程的标准输出,只要它存在.使用 gevent 1.0 readline() 和 read() 仍然会阻塞进程并等待进程完成.有什么线索吗?是的,我到处寻找一个简单的解决方案.不用线程就必须是可能的,对吧?

I'm trying to get the stdout of a process via POPEN as soon as it's there. With gevent 1.0 readline() and read() still block process and wait for process to finish. Any clues? And yes, I searched high and low for a simple solution. It has to be possible without threading, right?


我用一个小技巧解决了这个问题.每当将一行写入标准输出时,只需使用 self.stream.flush() 和一个辅助类刷新 Python 的行缓冲区.

I solved this using a little hack. Just flush Pythons line-buffer w/ self.stream.flush() and a helper class whenever a line is written to stdout.
