Python subprocess.Popen() 等待完成

2022-01-18 00:00:00 python subprocess popen



I am writing a small script to serially walk through a directory and run a command on the subdirectories therein.

我遇到了一个问题,但是 Popen()它将遍历目录并运行所需的命令,而无需等待前一个命令完成.即

I am running into a problem however with Popen() that it will walk through the directories and run the desired command without waiting for the previous one to finish. i.e.

for dir in dirs:
    #run command on the directory here.

它会启动每个目录的命令而不关心它.我希望它等待当前一个完成,然后开始下一个.我在目录中使用的工具是来自 SANS SIFT 的 Log2timeline,它需要相当长的时间并产生相当多的输出.我不关心输出,我只希望程序在启动下一个之前等待.

it kicks off the command for each dir without caring about it afterwards. I want it to wait for the current one to finish, then kick off the next. The tool I am using on the directories is Log2timeline from SANS SIFT which takes quite a while and produces quite a bit of output. I don't care about the output, I just want the program to wait before kicking off the next.





process = subprocess.Popen(["your_cmd"]...)

或 check_output, check_call 等待返回码取决于你想要做什么和python的版本.

Or check_output, check_call which all wait for the return code depending on what you want to do and the version of python.

如果您使用的是 python >= 2.7 并且您不关心输出,只需使用 check_call.

If you are using python >= 2.7 and you don't care about the output just use check_call.

您也可以使用 call 但如果您有,则不会引发任何错误可能需要也可能不需要的非零返回码

You can also use call but that will not raise any error if you have a non-zero return code which may or may not be desirable
