SQL 条件排序依据

2021-09-10 00:00:00 sql tsql sql-server

我正在对两个表进行连接.一个是用户表,另一个是高级用户列表.我需要让高级会员首先出现在我的查询中.但是,仅仅因为他们在高级用户表中并不意味着他们仍然是高级会员 - 还有一个 IsActive 字段需要检查.

I am doing a join on two tables. One is a user's table and the other a list of premium users. I need to have the premium members show up first in my query. However, just because they are in the premium user table doesn't mean they are still a premium member - there is an IsActive field that also needs to be checked.


So basically I need to return the results in the following order:

  • 活跃的高级用户
  • 普通和非活跃高级用户


SELECT Users.MemberId, PremiumUsers.IsActive FROM Users
LEFT JOIN PremiumUsers ON PremiumUsers.UserId = Users.Id
ORDER BY PremiumUsers.IsActive DESC


The problem with this is that it places non-active premium members above non-premium members.

(为此我使用的是 MS SQL Server 2005)

(I'm using MS SQL Server 2005 for this)


ORDER BY COALESCE(PremiumUsers.IsActive, 0) DESC

这会将 NULL 与非活动分组.

That will group the NULLs with not-actives.
