为什么要同时使用 NOLOCK 和 NOWAIT?

2021-09-10 00:00:00 tsql sql-server

一位同事编写了一个使用提示with (NOLOCK,NOWAIT)"的查询.

A colleague wrote a query which uses the hints "with (NOLOCK,NOWAIT)".


select first_name, last_name, age
from people with (nolock,nowait)


NOLOCK 说不用担心任何级别的任何锁定,现在就读取数据"

NOLOCK says "don't worry about any locks at any level, just read the data now"

NOWAIT 说不要等待,如果表被锁定,只会出错"

为什么同时使用两者?当然 NOWAIT 永远不会被实现,因为 NOLOCK 意味着它无论如何都不会等待锁......?

NOWAIT says "don't wait, just error if the table is locked"

Why use both at the same time? Surely NOWAIT will never be realised, as NOLOCK means it wouldn't wait for locks anyway ... ?



It's redundant (or at least, ineffective). In one query window, execute:

create table T (ID int not null)
begin transaction
alter table T add ID2 int not null


leave this window open, open another query window and execute:

select * from T WITH (NOLOCK,NOWAIT)

尽管有 NOWAIT 提示,并且尽管记录为在遇到任何锁时立即返回消息,但第二个查询将挂起,等待 Schema 锁.

Despite the NOWAIT hint, and despite it being documented as returning a message as soon as any lock is encountered, this second query will hang, waiting for the Schema lock.




Instructs the Database Engine to return a message as soon as a lock is encountered on the table


Note that this is talking about a lock, any lock.


READUNCOMMITTED 和 NOLOCK 提示仅适用于数据锁.所有查询,包括那些带有 READUNCOMMITTED 和 NOLOCK 提示的查询,都会在编译和执行期间获取 Sch-S(架构稳定性)锁.因此,当并发​​事务在表上持有 Sch-M(架构修改)锁时,查询会被阻塞.

READUNCOMMITTED and NOLOCK hints apply only to data locks. All queries, including those with READUNCOMMITTED and NOLOCK hints, acquire Sch-S (schema stability) locks during compilation and execution. Because of this, queries are blocked when a concurrent transaction holds a Sch-M (schema modification) lock on the table.

所以,NOLOCK 确实需要等待 some 锁.

So, NOLOCK does need to wait for some locks.
