是否可以在使用 sql 的更新语句中使用 MAX?

2021-09-10 00:00:00 tsql sql-server

我正在尝试在 sql 语句中使用 MAX 函数.这是我想要做的:像这样:

i am trying to use the MAX function in sql statement. Here is what i am trying to do: something like this:

UPDATE MainTable
        SET [Date] = GETDATE()

        where [ID] = Max

我知道这是错误的,特别是在我放置 where 条件但无法弄清楚如何在同一语句中使用 max 和 update 的地方.谢谢

I know this is wrong specially where i put the where condition but cannot figure out how to use max and update in the same statement. thanks


UPDATE MainTable
   SET [Date] = GETDATE()
 where [ID] = (SELECT MAX([ID]) FROM MainTable)
