“N"是什么意思?在 SQL Server 分配中的引号之前?

2021-09-10 00:00:00 sql tsql sql-server


The code I am looking at is this:

        SET @Message = N'Question result is ''' + @CurrentResult + '''. It should be unmarked or incorrect';
        THROW 50002,@Message,1


Can someone explain why the developer but "N" before the quotes?


来自 MSDN在备注部分

说字符串是 Nvarchar 类型并且可以有 unicode 字符

Saying that string is of Nvarchar type and can have unicode charcters

用字母 N 前缀 Unicode 字符串常量.没有N 前缀,字符串被转换为默认代码页数据库.此默认代码页可能无法识别某些字符.

Prefix Unicode character string constants with the letter N. Without the N prefix, the string is converted to the default code page of the database. This default code page may not recognize certain characters.

"N" 前缀代表 SQL-92 标准中的国家语言,必须大写.如果不使用 N 作为 Unicode 字符串常量的前缀,SQL Server 会在使用该字符串之前将其转换为当前数据库的非 Unicode 代码页.

The "N" prefix stands for National Language in the SQL-92 standard, and must be uppercase. If you do not prefix a Unicode string constant with N, SQL Server will convert it to the non-Unicode code page of the current database before it uses the string.


在处理 Unicode 字符串常量时,必须在所有 Unicode 字符串前加上前缀 NSQL Server
