在 SQL Server 中使用 RAISERROR 引发自定义错误消息

2021-09-10 00:00:00 tsql sql-server raiserror

在以前的版本中,我们在 t-sql 中引发了错误,例如:

In previous versions we raised errors in t-sql like:

RAISERROR 50000 'My Error Message'

在最新的 SQL Server 中,此语法已停止使用并替换为 RaiseError() 语法.

In the latest SQL Server this syntax has been discontinued and replace with the RaiseError () syntax.


I would like to have a generic method of raising errors, and the best I could come up so far is:

sp_addmessage @msgnum = 50001,
              @severity = 10,
              @msgtext = N'My Error Message', @replace = 'REPLACE';
RAISERROR (50001, 10, 1, 'This error message is not displayed')

但我无法为每条消息创建带有 sp_addmessage 的错误消息,因为有 1000 条.

But I can't go and create a error message with sp_addmessage for every message, because there are 1000's.


What is the better way to raise messages with a custom message?



RAISERROR('My Error Message',0,1)
