
2021-09-10 00:00:00 tsql sql-server

我有一个带有 nvarchar 列的表.此列的值例如:

I have a table with a nvarchar column. This column has values for example:

  • 983
  • 294
  • a343
  • a3546f


我想取这个值的 MAX,但不是文本,而是数字.所以在这个例子中数字是:

I would like to take MAX of this values, but not as text but like from numerics. So in this example numerics are:

  • 983
  • 294
  • 343
  • 3546

MAX 值是最后一个 - 3546.如何在 Microsoft SQL 上的 TSQL 中执行此操作?

And the MAX value is the last one - 3546. How to do this in TSQL on Microsoft SQL?



First install a regular expression function. This article has code you can cut/paste.

然后使用 RegexReplace(来自那篇文章),您可以从字符串中提取数字:

Then with RegexReplace (from that article) you can extract digits from a string:

dbo.RegexReplace( '.*?(\d+).*', myField, '$1' )


Then convert this string to a number:

CAST( dbo.RegexReplace( '.*?(\d+).*', myField, '$1' ) AS INT )

然后在 SELECTMAX() 函数中使用这个表达式.

Then use this expression inside a MAX() function in a SELECT.
