

我正在尝试使用 Python 的 subprocess 模块执行一系列命令,但是我需要在运行它们之前使用 export 设置 shell 变量.当然,shell 似乎不是持久的,所以当我稍后运行命令时,这些 shell 变量会丢失.

I'm trying to execute a series of commands using Pythons subprocess module, however I need to set shell variables with export before running them. Of course the shell doesn't seem to be persistent so when I run a command later those shell variables are lost.

有没有办法解决这个问题?我可以创建一个/bin/sh 进程,但是如何获得在该进程下运行的命令的退出代码?

Is there any way to go about this? I could create a /bin/sh process, but how would I get the exit codes of the commands run under that?


subprocess.Popen 采用一个可选的命名参数 env,它是用作子进程环境的字典(你所描述的shell变量").根据需要准备一个字典(您可以从 os.environ 的副本开始并根据需要进行更改)并将其传递给所有 subprocess.Popen 调用您执行.

subprocess.Popen takes an optional named argument env that's a dictionary to use as the subprocess's environment (what you're describing as "shell variables"). Prepare a dict as you need it (you may start with a copy of os.environ and alter that as you need) and pass it to all the subprocess.Popen calls you perform.
