从 python 调用外部程序并获取其输出

2022-01-18 00:00:00 python subprocess call


我想从 Python 调用一个用 C++ 编写并编译的程序 (.exe).可执行文件将两个文件作为输入并返回一个分数.

I want to call a program (.exe), which is written in C++ and compiled, from Python. The executable takes as input two files and returns a score.

我需要为多个文件执行此操作.所以,我想在 python 中编写一个小脚本,循环多个文件,将它们传递给可执行文件并取回值.

I need to do this for multiple files. So, I would like to write a small script in python which loops over multiple files, passes them to the executable and gets back the values.

现在,我已经完成了搜索,我知道 SWIG 和 Boost::Python 可能是一个选择,但我试图找到是否有更简单的方法.我不需要扩展"C++ 程序.我只是想像从命令行一样调用它并获取返回的数字.

Now, I have done my search and I know about SWIG and Boost::Python may be an option but I was trying to find if there is an easier way. I do not need to 'extend' the C++ program. I simply want to call it just like I would from a command line and get the returned number.


要运行外部程序并获取其输出,请使用 subprocess.check_output 在 Python 2.7+ 上.文档中的示例:

To run an external program and get its output, use subprocess.check_output on Python 2.7+. The example from the docs:

>>> subprocess.check_output(["ls", "-l", "/dev/null"])
'crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 Oct 18  2007 /dev/null

check_call 只是返回程序的返回码,而不是输出.

check_call just returns the return code of the program, not the output.
