python 在本地网络中复制文件(linux -> linux)并输出

2022-01-18 00:00:00 python subprocess networking local scp



I'm trying to write a script to copy files in my RaspberryPi, from my Desktop PC. Here is my code: (a part)

print "start the copy"   
path_pi = '//'
file_pc = path_file + "/" + file
print "the file to copy is: ", file_pc

shutil.copy2(file_pc, path_pi + file_pi)


Actually I have this error: (in french)

IOError: [Errno 2] Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type: '//'


So, how could I proceed? Must I connect the 2 machines before trying to copy? I have tryed with:

path_pi = r'//'


But the problem is the same. (And file_pc is a variable)



command = 'scp', file_pc, file_pi  
p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) 

但没有办法获得输出...(使用 Shell=False)

But no way to have the output... (work with Shell=False)


shutil.copy2() 适用于本地文件. 建议您要通过 ssh 复制文件.您可以将远程目录 (RaspberryPi) 挂载到桌面计算机 (sshfs) 上的本地目录上,以便 shutil.copy2() 工作.

shutil.copy2() works with local files. suggests that you want to copy files over ssh. You could mount the remote directory (RaspberryPi) onto a local directory on your desktop machine (sshfs) so that shutil.copy2() would work.

如果您想查看命令的输出,请不要设置 stdout=PIPE (注意:如果您设置了 stdout=PIPE 那么您应该从 p.stdout 否则进程可能永远阻塞):

If you want to see the output of a command then don't set stdout=PIPE (note: if you set stdout=PIPE then you should read from p.stdout otherwise the process may block forever):

from subprocess import check_call

check_call(['scp', file_pc, file_pi])

scp 将打印到您的父 Python 脚本打印的任何位置.

scp will print to whatever places your parent Python script prints.


To get the output as a string:

from subprocess import check_output

output = check_output(['scp', file_pc, file_pi])

虽然看起来 scp 如果输出被重定向,默认情况下不会打印任何内容.

Though It looks like scp doesn't print anything by default if the output is redirected.

您可以使用 pexpectscp 认为它在终端中运行:

You could use pexpect to make scp think that it runs in a terminal:

import pipes
import re
import pexpect # $ pip install pexpect

def progress(locals):
    # extract percents
    print(int('(d+)%[^%]*$', locals['child'].after).group(1)))

command = "scp %s %s" % tuple(map(pipes.quote, [file_pc, file_pi]))
status =, events={r'd+%': progress}, withexitstatus=1)[1]
print("Exit status %d" % status)
