在 Python 2.5 中,我如何杀死一个子进程?

2022-01-18 00:00:00 python subprocess


我正在使用 Python 中的 subprocess 包来运行一个子进程,稍后我需要将其杀死.但是,子进程包的文档指出 terminate() 函数仅在 2.6 中可用

I am using the subprocess package in Python to run a subprocess, which I later need to kill. However, the documentation of the subprocess package states that the terminate() function is only available from 2.6

我们使用 2.5 运行 Linux,出于向后兼容性的原因,我无法升级到 2.6,有什么替代方案?我猜这些函数是一些方便的方法.

We are running Linux with 2.5 and for backwards compatibility reasons I cannot upgrade to 2.6, what is the alternative? I am guessing that these functions are convenience methods for something.


你在进程 pid 上调用 os.kill.

You call os.kill on the process pid.

os.kill(process.pid, signal.SIGKILL)

您没问题,因为您使用的是 Linux.Windows 用户不走运.

You're OK because you're on on Linux. Windows users are out of luck.
