删除 NULL 指针是否安全?


Is it safe to delete a NULL pointer?


And is it a good coding style?


delete 无论如何都会执行检查,因此在您这边检查会增加开销并且看起来更丑陋.非常好的做法是在 delete 之后将指针设置为 NULL(有助于避免重复删除和其他类似的内存损坏问题).

delete performs the check anyway, so checking it on your side adds overhead and looks uglier. A very good practice is setting the pointer to NULL after delete (helps avoiding double deletion and other similar memory corruption problems).

如果 delete 默认情况下将参数设置为 NULL,就像在

I'd also love if delete by default was setting the parameter to NULL like in

#define my_delete(x) {delete x; x = NULL;}

(我知道 R 和 L 的值,但这不是很好吗?)

(I know about R and L values, but wouldn't it be nice?)
