

I don't understand the concept of postfix and prefix increment or decrement. Can anyone give a better explanation?



All four answers so far are incorrect, in that they assert a specific order of events.


Believing that "urban legend" has led many a novice (and professional) astray, to wit, the endless stream of questions about Undefined Behavior in expressions.


对于内置的 C++ 前缀运算符,

For the built-in C++ prefix operator,


递增 x 并产生(作为表达式的结果)x 作为左值,而

increments x and produces (as the expression's result) x as an lvalue, while


递增 x 并产生(作为表达式的结果)x 的原始值.

increments x and produces (as the expression's result) the original value of x.

特别是,对于x++x 的原始值的递增和产生并不意味着没有时间顺序.编译器可以自由地发出产生 x 原始值的机器代码,例如它可能存在于某个寄存器中,这会将增量延迟到表达式结束(下一个序列点).

In particular, for x++ there is no no time ordering implied for the increment and production of original value of x. The compiler is free to emit machine code that produces the original value of x, e.g. it might be present in some register, and that delays the increment until the end of the expression (next sequence point).


Folks who incorrectly believe the increment must come first, and they are many, often conclude from that certain expressions must have well defined effect, when they actually have Undefined Behavior.
