哪些平台有 8 位字符以外的内容?

2022-01-30 00:00:00 c cross-platform c++

Every now and then, someone on SO points out that char (aka 'byte') isn't necessarily 8 bits.

It seems that 8-bit char is almost universal. I would have thought that for mainstream platforms, it is necessary to have an 8-bit char to ensure its viability in the marketplace.

Both now and historically, what platforms use a char that is not 8 bits, and why would they differ from the "normal" 8 bits?

When writing code, and thinking about cross-platform support (e.g. for general-use libraries), what sort of consideration is it worth giving to platforms with non-8-bit char?

In the past I've come across some Analog Devices DSPs for which char is 16 bits. DSPs are a bit of a niche architecture I suppose. (Then again, at the time hand-coded assembler easily beat what the available C compilers could do, so I didn't really get much experience with C on that platform.)


char is also 16 bit on the Texas Instruments C54x DSPs, which turned up for example in OMAP2. There are other DSPs out there with 16 and 32 bit char. I think I even heard about a 24-bit DSP, but I can't remember what, so maybe I imagined it.

Another consideration is that POSIX mandates CHAR_BIT == 8. So if you're using POSIX you can assume it. If someone later needs to port your code to a near-implementation of POSIX, that just so happens to have the functions you use but a different size char, that's their bad luck.

In general, though, I think it's almost always easier to work around the issue than to think about it. Just type CHAR_BIT. If you want an exact 8 bit type, use int8_t. Your code will noisily fail to compile on implementations which don't provide one, instead of silently using a size you didn't expect. At the very least, if I hit a case where I had a good reason to assume it, then I'd assert it.
