如何在 Makefile 中定义多个包含路径

2022-01-25 00:00:00 makefile include c++

New to C++; Basic understanding of includes, libraries and the compile process. Did a few simple makefiles yet.

My current project involves using an informix DB api and i need to include header files in more than one nonstandard dirs. How to write that ? Havent found anything on the net, probably because i did not use good search terms

This is one way what i tried (not working). Just to show the makefile

INC=-I/usr/informix/incl/c++ /opt/informix/incl/public

default:    main

main:   test.cpp
        gcc -Wall $(LIB) $(INC) -c test.cpp
        #gcc -Wall $(LIB) $(INC) -I/opt/informix/incl/public -c test.cpp

        rm -r test.o make.out


You have to prepend every directory with -I:

INC=-I/usr/informix/incl/c++ -I/opt/informix/incl/public
