
2022-01-25 00:00:00 python excel compare c++

我希望比较两组 csv 文件和/或一个 csv 文件和一个 .txt 文件.为了简单起见,我认为" .txt 文件可能需要转换为 csv 文件,但这可能需要也可能不需要.我要么想使用 excel、c++ 或 python.我需要将一个已接受"值列表与一个已测量的列表进行比较,并找出它们之间的差异(如果有的话).Excel 可能是最简单的方法,但 python 或 c++ 也可以.这不是家庭作业,所以不要担心那种事情.非常感谢代码建议和/或模板.或网站链接

I'm looking to compare two big sets of csv files and/or a csv file and a .txt file. I "think" the .txt file may need to be converted to a csv file just for simplicity sake but that may or may not be needed. I either want to use excel, c++, or python. I need to compare one "accepted" value list to a list that is measured and find the difference between them if there is one. Excel may be the easiest way to do this but python or c++ may work just as well. This is not homework so don't worry about that sort of thing. Code advice and/or templates is greatly appreciated. or links to websites

编辑 1

我读过 Python 的 difflib 或不同的类,但不熟悉如何使用它,可能比我想要的要多.

I've read about Python's difflib or differ class but unfamiliar how to use it and may be more than I want.

编辑 2

文件都有一系列列(它们之间没有画线或任何东西),在这些命名"列下方会有数字.我需要将文件一中第 1 列中的数字与文件 2 中第 1 列中的数字进行比较,如果有差异,请显示另一个 csv 文件中的差异

The Files both will have a series of columns(not with lines drawn between them or anything) and below those "named" columns there will be numbers. I need to compare the number in column 1 spot one in file one to column 1 spot one of file 2 and if there is a difference show the difference in another csv file


您可以使用 ADO(ODBC/JET/OLEDB 文本驱动程序)将体面"的 .txt/.csv/.tab/.flr 文件视为来自每种支持 COM 的语言的 SQL 数据库.然后可以使用 SQL 的强大功能进行比较(DISTINCT、GROUP、(LEFT) JOINS、...).

You can use ADO (ODBC/JET/OLEDB Text Driver) to treat 'decent' .txt/.csv/.tab/.flr files as tables in a SQL Database from every COM-enabled language. Then the comparisons could be done using the power of SQL (DISTINCT, GROUP, (LEFT) JOINS, ...).


这是你的问题,我不想把你推到你不想去的地方.但是如果您需要比较表格数据,SQL 是一个很好的(最好的?)工具.作为发现两个 .txt 文件中差异的脚本输出的证据:

It's your problem and I don't want to push you where you don't want to go. But SQL is a good (the best?) tool, if you need to compare tabular data. As evidence the output of a script that spots the differences in two .txt files:

======= The .txt files to play with
------- file1.txt

------- file2.txt

======= Some diagnostic SQL
------- <NULL> indicates: In F1 but not in F2 (LEFT JOIN)
SELECT T1.AC, T1.AM, T2.AM FROM [file1.txt] AS T1 LEFT JOIN [file2.txt] AS T2 ON (T1.AC =
------- Result
AC      File1   File2
40000   -19083  -19083
40100   20000   <NULL>
40200   350004  350
40300   3498,99 3498,99

------- <NULL> indicates: Not in the other file (LEFT JOIN, UNION)
SELECT T1.AC, T1.AM, T2.AM FROM [file1.txt] AS T1 LEFT JOIN [file2.txt] AS T2 ON (T1.AC =
T2.AC) UNION SELECT T2.AC, T1.AM, T2.AM FROM [file2.txt] AS T2 LEFT JOIN [file1.txt] AS T1
 ON (T1.AC = T2.AC)
------- Result
AC      File1   File2
40000   -19083  -19083
40100   20000   <NULL>
40105   <NULL>  -234567
40200   350004  350
40300   3498,99 3498,99

------- the problems: missing, different values
SELECT T1.AC, T1.AM, T2.AM FROM [file1.txt] AS T1 LEFT JOIN [file2.txt] AS T2 ON (T1.AC =
txt] AS T2 LEFT JOIN [file1.txt] AS T1 ON (T1.AC = T2.AC) WHERE T1.AM IS NULL OR T1.AM <>
------- Result
AC      File1   File2
40100   20000   <NULL>
40105   <NULL>  -234567
40200   350004  350


这篇文章涉及ADO和文本文件;查找文件 adoNNN.chm(NNN=版本号,例如 210)在您的计算机上;这是一本关于好书ADO.

This article deals with ADO and text files; look for a file adoNNN.chm (NNN=Version number, e.g. 210) on your computer; this is a good book about ADO.

您可以使用 Access 或 OpenOffice Base 来试验 SQL 语句应用于链接/引用(未导入!)文本数据库.

You can use Access or OpenOffice Base to experiment with SQL statements applied to a linked/referenced (not imported!) text database.

在您掌握了最初的障碍后,脚本/程序将变得很容易:连接到数据库,即到包含文件和 schema.ini 的文件夹文件来定义 files=tables 的结构.

A script/program will be easy after you mastered the initial hurdle: connecting to the the database, i.e. to a folder containing the files and a schema.ini file to define the structure of the files=tables.


The output above was generated by:

  Const adClipString = 2

  Dim oFS  : Set oFS = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
  Dim sDir : sDir    = oFS.GetAbsolutePathName( ".	xt" )
  Dim oDB  : Set oDb = CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection" )
  oDB.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & sDir & ";Extended Properties=""text"""
  Dim sSQL
  Dim sFiNa
  WScript.Echo "=======", "The .txt files to play with"
  For Each sFiNa In Array( "file1.txt", "file2.txt"  )
      WScript.Echo "-------", sFiNa
      WScript.Echo oFS.OpenTextFile( "txt" & sFiNa ).ReadAll()

  WScript.Echo "=======", "Some diagnostic SQL"
  Dim aSQL
  For Each aSQL In Array( _
       Array(   "<NULL> indicates: In F1 but not in F2 (LEFT JOIN)" _
              , Join( Array( _
                     "SELECT T1.AC, T1.AM, T2.AM FROM" _
                   , "[file1.txt] AS T1" _
                   , "LEFT JOIN [file2.txt] AS T2 ON (T1.AC = T2.AC)" _
                ), " " ) ) _
     , Array(   "<NULL> indicates: Not in the other file (LEFT JOIN, UNION)" _
              , Join( Array( _
                     "SELECT T1.AC, T1.AM, T2.AM FROM" _
                   , "[file1.txt] AS T1" _
                   , "LEFT JOIN [file2.txt] AS T2 ON (T1.AC = T2.AC)" _
                   , "UNION" _
                   , "SELECT T2.AC, T1.AM, T2.AM FROM" _
                   , "[file2.txt] AS T2" _
                   , "LEFT JOIN [file1.txt] AS T1 ON (T1.AC = T2.AC)" _
                ), " " ) ) _
     , Array(   "the problems: missing, different value" _
              , Join( Array( _
                     "SELECT T1.AC, T1.AM, T2.AM FROM" _
                   , "[file1.txt] AS T1" _
                   , "LEFT JOIN [file2.txt] AS T2 ON (T1.AC = T2.AC)" _
                   , "WHERE T2.AM IS NULL OR T1.AM <> T2.AM" _
                   , "UNION" _
                   , "SELECT T2.AC, T1.AM, T2.AM FROM" _
                   , "[file2.txt] AS T2" _
                   , "LEFT JOIN [file1.txt] AS T1 ON (T1.AC = T2.AC)" _
                   , "WHERE T1.AM IS NULL OR T1.AM <> T2.AM" _
                ), " " ) ) _
     sSQL = aSQL( 1 )
     WScript.Echo "-------", aSQL( 0 )
     WScript.Echo sSQL
     Dim oRS : Set oRS = oDB.Execute( sSQL )
     WScript.Echo "------- Result"
     WScript.Echo Join( Array( "AC", "File1", "File2" ), vbTab )
     WScript.Echo oRS.GetString( adClipString, , vbTab, vbCrLf, "<NULL>" )

如果你删除/忽略胖子(创建 SQL 语句、诊断输出),它就会沸腾最多 6 行

If you delete/ignore the fat (create SQL statements, diagnostics output), it boils down to 6 lines

  Dim oDB  : Set oDb = CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection" )
  oDB.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & sDir & ";Extended Properties=""text"""
  sSQL = "..."
  Dim oRS : Set oRS = oDB.Execute( sSQL )
  WScript.Echo oRS.GetString( adClipString, , vbTab, vbCrLf, "<NULL>" )

它可以很容易地移植"到每一种支持 COM 的语言,因为 ADO物体完成所有繁重的工作..GetString 方法很方便,当你想要保存结果集:只需旋转分隔符/分隔符/Null 参数并将其转储到文件中

which can be 'ported' easily to every COM-enabled language, because the ADO objects do all the heavy lifting. The .GetString method comes handy, when you want to save a resultset: just twiddle the separator/delimiter/Null arguments and dump it to file

  oFS.CreateTextFile( ... ).WriteLine oRS.GetString( _
    adClipString, , ",", vbCrLf, ""

(不要忘记将该表的定义添加到您的 schema.ini).的当然你也可以使用SELECT/INSERT INTO",但这样的语句可能不会易于正确/通过 ADO 文本驱动程序的解析器.

(don't forget to add a definition for that table to your schema.ini). Of course you also can use a "SELECT/INSERT INTO", but such statements may not be easy to get right/passed the ADO Text Driver's parser.

加法 wrt 计算:

从一个 5 x 2 主/批准文件开始,其中包含:

Start with a 5 x 2 master/approved file containing:

Num0    Num1    Num2    Num3    Num4
7,6     6,1     3,8     0,9     8,9
0,9     9,4     4,7     8,8     9,9


transform it to expected.txt

Num0    Num1    Num2    Num3    Num4    Spot
7,6     6,1     3,8     0,9     8,9     1
0,9     9,4     4,7     8,8     9,9     2

通过附加 Spot 列使其符合

by appending the Spot column so it conforms to

Col1=Num0 Float
Col2=Num1 Float
Col3=Num2 Float
Col4=Num3 Float
Col5=Num4 Float
Col6=Spot Integer

在您的 schema.ini 文件中.同样,转换一个测量文件,如:

in your schema.ini file. Similarly, transform a measure file like:

Num0    Num1    Num2    Num3    Num4
7,1     1,1     3,8     0,9     8,9
0,9     9,4     4,7     8,8     9,9


to measured.txt

Num0    Num1    Num2    Num3    Num4    Spot
7,1     1,1     3,8     0,9     8,9     1
0,9     9,4     4,7     8,8     9,9     2


  sSQL = Join( Array( _
         "SELECT E.Num0 - M.Num0 AS Dif0" _
      ,       ", E.Num1 - M.Num1 AS Dif1" _
      ,       ", E.Num2 - M.Num2 AS Dif2" _
      ,       ", E.Num3 - M.Num3 AS Dif3" _
      ,       ", E.Num4 - M.Num4 AS Dif4" _
      ,       ", E.Spot          AS Spot" _
      ,  "FROM [expected.txt] AS E" _
      ,  "INNER JOIN [measured.txt] AS M" _
      ,  "ON E.Spot = M.Spot" _
  ), " " )


Write the resultset to differences.txt

aFNames = Array("Num0", ... "Spot" )oFS.CreateTextFile(sFSpec).Write _加入(aFNames,sFSep)&sRSep&oRS.GetString(adClipString, , sFSep, sRSep, "")

aFNames = Array( "Num0", ... "Spot" ) oFS.CreateTextFile( sFSpec ).Write _ Join( aFNames, sFSep ) & sRSep & oRS.GetString( adClipString, , sFSep, sRSep, "" )


Num0    Num1    Num2    Num3    Num4    Spot
0,5     5       0       0       0       1
0       0       0       0       0       2
