如何确定 cv::Mat 是否为零矩阵?

2022-01-25 00:00:00 opencv matrix compare c++


I have a matrix that is dynamically being changed according to the following code;

 for( It=all_frames.begin(); It != all_frames.end(); ++It)
    ItTemp = *It;

    subtract(ItTemp, Base, NewData);

    cout << "The size of the new data for ";
    cout << " is 
" << NewData.rows << "x" << NewData.cols << endl;
    cout << "The New Data is: 
" << NewData << endl << endl;



我想要做的是确定 cv::Mat NewData 是零矩阵的帧.我尝试使用 cv::compare() 函数和简单的运算符(即 NewData == NoData)将它与大小相同的零矩阵进行比较,但我什至无法编译程序.

What I want to do is determine the frames at which the cv::Mat NewData is a zero matrix. I've tried comparing it to a zero matrix that is of the same size, using both the cv::compare() function and simple operators (i.e NewData == NoData), but I can't even compile the program.

是否有一种简单的方法可以确定 cv::Mat 何时填充零?

Is there a simple way of determining when a cv::Mat is populated by zeroes?



if (countNonZero(NewData) < 1) 
    cout << "Eye contact occurs in this frame" << endl;


This is a pretty simple (if perhaps not the most elegant) way of doing it.
