在嵌入式环境中替代 boost::shared_ptr

2022-01-25 00:00:00 embedded c++ boost smart-pointers

I'm using C++ in an embedded linux environment which has GCC version 2.95.

I just can't extract boost::shared_ptr files with bcp, it is just too heavy.

What I'd like would be a simple smart pointer implementation of boost::shared_ptr but without all boost overheads (if it is possible...).

I could come up with my own version reading boost source but I fear missing one or more points, it seems easy to make a faulty smart pointer and I can't afford to have a buggy implementation.

So, does a "simple" implementation or implementation example of boost::shared_ptr (or any reference counting equivalent smart pointer) exists that I could use or that I could take as an inspiration?


if you don't need mixing shared and weak ptr,and don't need coustom deletors, you can just use the quick and dirty my_shared_ptr:

template<class T>
class my_shared_ptr
    template<class U>
    friend class my_shared_ptr;
    my_shared_ptr() :p(), c() {}
    explicit my_shared_ptr(T* s) :p(s), c(new unsigned(1)) {}

    my_shared_ptr(const my_shared_ptr& s) :p(s.p), c(s.c) { if(c) ++*c; }

    my_shared_ptr& operator=(const my_shared_ptr& s) 
    { if(this!=&s) { clear(); p=s.p; c=s.c; if(c) ++*c; } return *this; }

    template<class U>
    my_shared_ptr(const my_shared_ptr<U>& s) :p(s.p), c(s.c) { if(c) ++*c; }

    ~my_shared_ptr() { clear(); }

    void clear() 
            if(*c==1) delete p; 
            if(!--*c) delete c; 
        c=0; p=0; 

    T* get() const { return (c)? p: 0; }
    T* operator->() const { return get(); }
    T& operator*() const { return *get(); }

    T* p;
    unsigned* c;

For anyone interested in make_my_shared<X>, it can be trivially implemented as

template<class T, class... U>
auto make_my_shared(U&&... u)
    return my_shared_ptr<T>(new T{std::forward<U>(u)...});

to be called as

auto pt = make_my_shared<T>( ... );
