在集合之间移动 `unique_ptr`s

2022-01-24 00:00:00 containers c++ unique-ptr

我有两个集合和一个 a 元素的迭代器:

I have two sets and an iterator to an element of a:

set<unique_ptr<X>> a, b;
set<unique_ptr<X>>::iterator iter = find something in a;


I would like to remove the element pointed by iter from a and insert it into b. Is it possible? How?



Well, I suspect there is no normal way to do it. But there is always a non-normal one :) You can do the following:

auto tmp = const_cast<std::unique_ptr<std::string>&&>(*iter);

好的,第一行违反了 set 不变量,这很可怕,但据我了解,这应该不是问题,因为在下一行我们从集合中删除了这个邪恶节点.

Ok, the very first line violated set invariant and it is horrible but as far as I understand it should not be a problem since on the very next line we remove this evil node from the set.
