CRTP 和动态多态性编译错误

2022-01-24 00:00:00 standards templates polymorphism c++ crtp
class A {
    virtual A* foo() = 0;

template<class T>
class B : public A {
    virtual T* foo() { return nullptr; }

class C : public B<C> {



This is a simplified implementation for Possibility to mix composite pattern and curiously recurring template pattern. I get the following error:

Return type of virtual function 'foo' is not covariant with the return type of the function it overrides ('C *' is not derived from 'A *')

在 clang 3.0、gcc 4.7 和 Visual Studio 2008 上测试.

Tested on clang 3.0, gcc 4.7 and visual studio 2008.


class C : public A, public B<C> {}

在 Visual Studio 下编译并警告 B 已经是 A 的子级,并且不在 clang 下编译并出现初始错误.

compiles under visual studio with a warning that B is already a child of A and does not compile under clang with initial error.


class D : public A {}
class C : public B<D> {}

解决了不完整问题,但我不知道我将拥有多少个 A 实例.直觉告诉我A是虚的,所以应该只有一个.

solves the incompleteness issue, but I can't figure out how many A instances will I have. Intuition tells me that A is virtual, thus there should be only one.


Also this workaround creates unreadable code.


What does the standard states about this situation? Should this code compile? If not, why?


你的虚函数 A::foo() 返回一个 A*,而函数 B<C>::foo(),意在覆盖它,返回一个 C*.

Your virtual function A::foo() returns an A*, while function B<C>::foo(), which is meant to override it, returns a C*.

这在理论上确实尊重协变原则,因为 C 确实是(派生自)A 的特化,但在实例化时,这不是已知,因为 C 是不完整的类型.

This in theory does respect the principle of covariance, since C is indeed a specialization of (derives from) A, but at the point of instantiation, this is not known, because C is an incomplete type.

重新考虑您的设计的一种可能方法是使 A 也成为类模板,并让 B 传播 TA:

One possible way to re-think your design is to make A a class template as well, and let B propagate the template argument for T up to A:

template<typename T>
class A {
    virtual T* foo() = 0;

template<class T>
class B : public A<T> {
    virtual T* foo() { return nullptr; }



What does the standard states about this situation? Should this code compile? If not, why?

它不应该编译,因为仅仅使 C 也显式地从 A 派生(注意,你最终会得到 two C 内的 A 类型的不同基础子对象在实例化 B<C> 时不会使 C 成为完整类型..根据 C++11 标准的第 9.2/2 段:

It shouldn't compile, because the mere fact of making C also derive from A explicitly (notice, that you would end up with two distinct base sub-objects of type A inside C) does not make C a complete type when instantiating B<C>. Per Paragraph 9.2/2 of the C++11 Standard:

类在类说明符的结束}处被视为完全定义的对象类型(3.9)(或完整类型).强>在类member-specification中,类在函数体内被认为是完整的,默认参数和 brace-or-equal-initializers 用于非静态数据成员(包括嵌套类).否则,它在自己的类成员规范中被认为是不完整的.

A class is considered a completely-defined object type (3.9) (or complete type) at the closing } of the class-specifier. Within the class member-specification, the class is regarded as complete within function bodies, default arguments, and brace-or-equal-initializers for non-static data members (including such things in nested classes). Otherwise it is regarded as incomplete within its own class member-specification.
